Florida's Best Medical Marijuana Treatment Center

We are the premier destination for Medical Marijuana in southern Florida. Begin the process of getting your medicine

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Florida's Best Medical Marijuana Center Explains Your Medicine


Cannabinoids are what makes marijuana medicine! They are the chemical compounds secreted by cannabis flowers that provide relief to an array of symptoms including pain, nausea, and inflammation.


5 Terpenes to Remember

Terpenes are the aroma of Cannabis and determine a Cannabis strain's smell.


Informed Staff

Our knowledgeable staff will take time to educate you on different Cannabis strains and how they affect the body. Feel free to ask any questions.

Local Farming

In order to provide you with the freshest Cannabis, we source all of our strains locally in the heart of Florida.

Working Together

We are here to help and work with your physician to help find the perfect medicine for you

How to become a patient

Amendment 2 is Florida’s medical marijuana law, and added a new section to Florida’s state constitution.

How do I become a patient?

In order to become a qualifying patient, a person must get a physician’s certification from a Florida doctor and be diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition. (Minors must also have written permission from a parent or guardian.) A patient can then obtain the required ID card.

How do I become a caregiver?

Caregivers must be at least 21 years old and will probably have to submit to a background check. They may be limited in the number of patients they can assist. Caregivers must obtain an ID card from the Department of Health.

What are the requirements for physicians?

A doctor issuing a certification must first examine the patient and assess their medical history. The certification must state that the patient’s medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health risks and for how long the physician recommends the medical use of marijuana for the patient.

Different ways to Consume Cannabis

Everyone is unique. We will work with you to find the best way for you to consume Cannabis.
